Instance Groups

Anybody had any luck creating instance groups in AWX? I’ve tried adjusting my inventory file to something like this:


serverA ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=“/usr/bin/env python”
serverB ansible_python_interpreter=“/usr/bin/env python”
serverC ansible_python_interpreter=“/usr/bin/env python”





Along with some fiddling of the playbook to expose the proper ports for the postgres container, this works great. serverB and serverC are using the database container on serverA (haven’t messed with the rabbitmq container yet so these probably won’t actually do anything yet).

However, I still only see the default “tower” instance group. I was hoping to see a second instance group created: “testgroup1”. Is this not the right place to be defining instance groups?

Howdy Cody, instance groups aren’t supported by the existing installer at the moment… but you are in luck! They are supported (mostly) on my feature branch:

You’ll have to build your image on your own, and they are only currently supported in the Openshift install (I’m unlikely to support this on the standalone docker install)… you will also have to use the API to associate instances with Instance Groups until the UI portion is built out.