I have a task to create an initial postgres databa (initdb) in a playbook installing postgresql from a tar.gz archive on a centos7 target
I have a task to create an initial postgres databa (initdb) in a playbook installing postgresql from a tar.gz archive on a centos7 target
- name: configure postgres - create database
command:/opt/db/postgres/postgresql/src/bin/initdb -D /opt/db/data/postgres/data
creates: /opt/db/data/postgres/PG_VERSION"
become: yes
become_user: postgres###################################################################
playbook execution throws the following error at me:
TASK [configure postgres - create database] **************************************************
fatal: [vm-0179]: FAILED! => changed=false
cmd: /opt/db/postgres/postgresql/src/bin/initdb -D /opt/db/data/postgres/data
msg: ‘[Errno 13] Permission denied’
rc: 13###################################################################
I read this as the user running that task (postgres) may not have rw permissions to the parent directory
however this indicates somethin else
> ls -l /opt/db/data/postgres/
drwxr-x—. 2 postgres postgres 6 14. Okt 10:34 data
There is a trailing dot, which indicates some SElinux security context. That may prevent your task from completing
This proves there is some permissions issue.
So best to solve that and make initdb work manually, and then ansiblize the process.