Installing Office 2016 through Ansible?


I created a playbook to install Office 2016 which I think should work. I had it run setup.exe /adminfile <unattended.msp file> – the unattended.msp file I created by running setup.exe /setup and setting it to install with Display level: None, which has Suppress Modal selected only.

Each time I try running it, it keeps errorring out with a return code of 30066. Has anyone seen this issue before and how do we get around this error?

Can you post your playbook here?


The task part of the playbook is:

  • name: Install Office 2016 64-bit
    path: ‘c:\temp\Office2016\office2016-64\setup.exe’
    product_id: ‘{90160000-0012-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}’
    arguments: ‘/adminfile unattended.MSP’

Before this task, I have another task that copied the distribution files for Office 2016 64 bit install to that c:\temp\Office2016\office2016-64\ directory already. The unattended.MSP is basically created with the Display level set to none with Suppress Modal selected only.

Actually, I figured it out.

I was trying to install Office 2016 on a base Windows 7 64-bit machine.

There is a log of the install found in …\AppData\Local\Temp\SetupExe().txt and in that log I was able to find that it was failing due to a prerequisite check for KB2999226 hotfix. I will have my Office 2016 playbook install this hotfix first before attempting to install now.