Installing AWX local with multiple instances

Hi all

I am trying to install AWX locally, without K8s or Openshift. I have followed the instructions, and more or less, it is working in the first server. The only change I have done is to change manually the host id in the configuration, because it doesn’t respect the awx_task_hostname set in the inventory file, and throws the error “No instance found with the current cluster host id”. To fix this:

docker exec -it awx_task bash -c ‘sed -i -e s/^CLUSTER_HOST_ID.*/CLUSTER_HOST_ID=“$(hostname)”/ /etc/tower/’
docker restart awx_task

I am using an external Aurora Postgres DB without issues.

After this, I want to install anocher server, with another Docker installation, and install there AWX to have a HA installation (with different hostnames for task and web containers). I suppose the steps are the same, but what is the sense of having two memcached servers separated? Would each task/web server use its own memcached server? There will be caching inconsistencies between the two installations? I have tested AWX with K8s, and the behaviour is similar, cloning the full pod, that contains the web, task, memcached and rabbit servers.

The question about rabbit is similar, in local and K8s installations. What is the sense of having multiple separated servers? How is the load distributed?

Regards and thanks in advance! And great job! I will test as soon as possible the integration with external secrets backends.