Installation woes on RHEL6u2

I am having problem getting ansible to work “out of the box” …

On a minimal RHEL6u2 installation I need to do the following to get it installed:

1 rpm -Uvh
2 yum install git -y
12 yum install python-paramiko PyYAML python-jinja2-26
14 git clone git://

17 yum install make rpm-build python-devel

20 cd ansible/

22 make install # fails

23 make rpm # fails
25 python install

this seems to work but when I run ansible I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/ansible”, line 33, in
import ansible.runner
File “/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible/”, line 29, in
import jinja2
ImportError: No module named jinja2

I am thus a bit stuck… asciidoc seems to have disappeared in rhel6 so the make steps all fail on the asciidoc dependency and doing a manual installation is giving me the above error.


Thanks for helping test this.

Looks like we forgot a dependency. Will fix tonight.

“yum install python-jinja2” for now.

As for asciidoc not being in EPEL, our move was to check in the man file source so “make rpm” would not have to build them.
I’ll double check this to make sure a clean build works without asciidoc.

Pretty soon you will be able to get ansible direct from EPEL!



I did install python-jinja2-26 as that was the only package available.

yum install python-jinja2
No package python-jinja2 available.
Error: Nothing to do

Maybe it is also in the optional channel as skvidal suggested in irc.
