Installation of Ansible Tower fails at "determine if postgresql user exists"

I have setup a blank VM and configured Ansible Tower via “” and answering the questions.
After that I tried to install via “./”

Playbook always fails at:

TASK: [postgres | determine if postgresql user exists] ************************
fatal: [coconut] => error while evaluating conditional: pg_user_exists.stdout != ‘1’

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

I’m using Ansible 1.9.3

I just installed Ansible the other day. I think you need to install postgresql separately.
There are several steps during the install that the playbook doesn’t account for very well.

One package, can’t remember which, maybe postgres, i had to install it, then the installer uninstalled my version and installed its own.

for tower questions please email or go to this ML is for the OSS project.