Good afternoon.
I’m installing an ckan via ansible project.
However, I need to install SOLR packages, but I can not.
I would like to ask you for help, knowing in this way which commands you could produce for the following installations.
tar xzf solr-5.1.0.tgz solr-5.1.0/bin/ --strip-components=2
sudo bash ./ solr-5.1.0.tgz
wget -O jts-1.13.jar
sudo -u solr cp jts-1.13.jar /opt/solr/server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/.
sudo service solr restart
If this is not the best way, I would like to ask you the best way to run solr / jetty and all its dependencies.
All this is due to the fact that I am getting to the end of the installation, however, when I open the browser I can not access, giving me the 500 error.
Thanks in advance for your help.
With the best compliments