Install GVM and Grails


Trying to use ansible to install GVM and Grails, but can’t seem to make it work, anyone can help? Tried both shell and command, but none seem work.

  • name: gvm | Install gvm prerequisites for Grails
    curl -s | bash
    sudo: yes
    tags: grails
  • name: gvm set source | Set source for gvm
    source “/home/vagrant/.gvm/bin/”
    sudo: yes
    tags: grails
  • name: grails | install grails 2.3.7
    gvm install grails 2.3.7
    sudo: yes
    tags: grails



I managed to get further with the following:

  • name: Set Home | Set to vagrant home before install Grails
    cd /home/vagrant executable: /bin/bash
    sudo: no
    tags: grails

  • name: gvm | Install gvm prerequisites for Grails
    curl -s | bash executable: /bin/bash
    sudo: no
    tags: grails

  • name: gvm set source | Set source for gvm
    source “/home/vagrant/.gvm/bin/” executable: /bin/bash
    sudo: no
    tags: grails

  • name: grails | install grails 2.3.7
    gvm install grails 2.3.7 executable: /bin/bash
    sudo: yes
    tags: grails

but it still failed at the last command: gvm install

TASK: [grails | install grails 2.3.7] *****************************************

failed: [default] => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: “gvm install grails 2.3.7”, “delta”: “0:00:00.003756”, “end”: “2014-11-30 17:43:51.951141”, “rc”: 127, “start”: “2014-11-30 17:43:51.947385”, “warnings”: }

stderr: /bin/bash: gvm: command not found

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

Any advice? Also how to press “y” at the end of the installation using playbook?


I was trying do install grails using gvm via ansible just like you today.
After battling for a few hours with it, I ended up stumbling upon the discussion about getting a remote user’s environment using sudo where the last comment has a solution.

So I now I rap all my shell calls in ‘bash -lc’ to get the remote user’s
environment set-uip properly. For instance :

  • shell: cd; bash -lc “rbenv install {{ ruby_version }}”

Here’s what my task file looks like for the grails part (it also has a solution for the prompting the gvm install grails confirmation dialog – just pipe it into yes see man yes):


  • name: check if gvm is installed
    shell: test -d /usr/share/tomcat/.gvm && echo “yes” || echo “no”
    register: is_gvm_installed

  • name: download gvm
    when: is_gvm_installed.stdout == “no”
    get_url: url= dest=/usr/share/tomcat/
    remote_user: tomcat

  • name: install gvm
    when: is_gvm_installed.stdout == “no”
    command: bash /usr/share/tomcat/
    sudo: yes
    sudo_user: tomcat

  • name: install grails

probably not the most elegant way to have .bashrc sourced but that’ll do for now…

shell: bash -lc “gvm install grails | yes” executable=/bin/bash chdir=/usr/share/tomcat/
sudo: yes
sudo_user: tomcat



About the yes command, I meant yes | gvm install grails rather than gvm install grails | yes, sorry!


Thanks!!! I wish i see this earlier, i ended up solve the issue just now and then your post showed up. Seem like there are some delay for the post to show-up. Just to share my solution as well for reference.

  • name: gvm | Install gvm prerequisites for Grails
    curl -s | bash executable: /bin/bash
    sudo: no
    tags: grails

  • name: gvm set source | Set source for gvm
    source “/home/vagrant/.gvm/bin/” && yes | gvm install grails 2.3.7 executable: /bin/bash
    sudo: no
    tags: grails

You could use the stat action as well which returns a handy exists boolean.

  • stat: path=YOURPATH
    register: grailsinstalled

  • other_action: too
    when: grailsinstalled.stat.exists

Typing on my phone, so please excuse typos :slight_smile: