Included yml task fails

Am using a current copy of Ansible and am in learning stage by writing playbooks that call Ansible’s API’s via the uri module. Am getting an error from the included yml that is trying to authenticate the user. Note that it’s working fine when I put the task into the main yml. The error is a stack trace (below) followed with

TypeError: unhashable type

Here’s the main yml:

I cloned my playbook and turned the authentication into a role, and it behaved exactly the same.

I really could use some help with this!

The underlying problem is this line in the include playbook:

body: ‘{ “username” : “{{ username }}”, “password” : “{{ password }}” }’

If I hardcode the username and password it works. So, this looks like an issue with uri, or I’ve not formatted this correctly.

Suggestions anyone?

Hi Glenn, could you please open an issue on Github so we can keep track of this?
