i am working on a infrastructure that is completely managed by ansible (great tool btw). we are currently in the process of adding different environments (production, prelive …) and we hit a problem that i need help with to understand whats going wrong here.
we have a group_vars file “all” which contains most of the configuration and then each role / environment overrides any needed variables via it’s hostfile or a custom yml provided via -e on the command line.
search_domain: search.example.com
- { domain : ‘search.example.com’, aliases : }
custom.yml (which is loaded via -e on the command line)
search_domain: prelive.search.example.com
- { domain : ‘prelive.search.example.com’, aliases : }
As far is understand variable precedence the custom.yml values are overriding the values from all. this is somewhat wokring as intended.
Now come the thing i don’t seem to understand. Given this playbook: