Improved ways to store host and group variables

New minor feature.

I really wanted to be able to store structured group and host variables separate from my inventory.

Assume your inventory file is /etc/ansible/hosts and looks like this:

===== START =====

===== STOP =====

With this new feature, for the host Pinky, ansible will load variables from these places, in order:


If these files don't exist, nothing happens.
If your host file was in a different location, the path would still be relative to that file, so it still works for non-root/checkout users

(This is also, incidentally, how I'm going to enable removal of the YAML inventory format. We'll auto-convert any variables stored into an inventory
file into this structure.)

So yeah, with this, you can totally happily use the INI file format to describe your hosts and groups -- because it's a lot simpler -- and then if you
need for store a hash or a list or something in a group or host variable, you have a very easy way to do that.

Will include this in the docs section when 0.6 rolls out, but it's available on the development branch now.


With this new feature, for the host Pinky, ansible will load variables from these places, in order:


Way cool!


What format are the group_vars/* and host_vars/* files in? Are those YAML?


Hmm. With a hosts file like this:

PS: Removing the ‘if’ condition in playbook/ has the group_vars file working as expected for task actions (bar untested side effects), but the variables are not used in the task names. If I change the playbook to