implicit localhost and limit

So with 1.5 there is an implicit localhost, which means we don't have to have an explicit one in our inventory to do things like

hosts: localhost
local_action: foo
delegate_to: localhost

This is great, and awesome, and works fine, however I'm curious what the semantics are when --limit comes into play.

What happens when you encounter a play that has hosts: localhost , and your --limit does not include localhost? Should it run?

What about delegate_to: localhost when your limit doesn't include localhost?

Taking a thought stab, I would expect that plays with hosts: localhost would skip with no matching host, but the delegation would work, because it would be operating in the host loop for a host you've included in your limit, even if the task is delegated out. This is how it would work with any other host.

Is my thinking correct here?


So right now it’s pretty explicit, I believe, and if you say “don’t include localhost” it doesn’t.

Thus localhost isn’t implicit in the limit.

I can see it both ways.

In this case, I think I’d side on requiring limit to explicitly include localhost to avoid accidental self management in cases where a configuration might apply to many machines and somebody (against the norm) was running ansible on a machine that also expected to be managing that machine.


I do think delegation should continue to work fine, as delegation has always worked outside of limits.