Idempontent maintenance of a cfg file

Hi All,

I’m learning Ansible and am preparing to try and execute both deployment and configuration maintenance on a few systems at work.

One configuration file in particular is giving me issues however. I want to be able to update Min and Max Instances in this section of a cfg file:


; Settings for PSAPPSRV

; UBBGEN settings
Min Instances=25
Max Instances=25
Service Timeout=300

; Number of services after which PSAPPSRV will automatically restart.


The problem is the file also contains other sections with identical Min/Max lines like this:


; Settings for PSQRYSRV

; UBBGEN settings
Min Instances=6
Max Instances=6
Service Timeout=1200

; Number of services after which PSQRYSRV will automatically restart.


I want to be able to run an ansible task repeatedly against this file to update the Min/Max lines only if changed. I don’t want to use the template or shell modules because if the lines are changed, I need to initiate a restart of the dependent services and I don’t want to do that unnecessarily. I also want to have some sort of record of the file being changed via the ansible-playbook output.

I’ve looked into lineinfile module, but have yet to find a way to only update a single line number. I looked into sed with ansible variables, but again, that doesn’t meet the idempotent requirement.

Is there any way to achieve what i’m looking for here?


template would not force unnecessary changes, it is your best bet for

Ahh ok, I see. I didn’t realize templates did comparisons before copying. Thanks for your help!