Hi. I’m attempting to retrieve a specific id from multiple machines with the uri module.
The below ansible tasks can achieve the operation on one machine.
What is the best way to retrieve the ID from several machines?
name: Retrieve Orchid MID
url: “{{ myurl }}”
force_basic_auth: yes
user: admin
password: “{{ mypassword }}”
timeout: 20
register: machineid
name: DEBUG Retrieve Orchid MID
msg: “{{ machineid.json.orchids[0].mid }}”
(Karl Auer)
I am pretty sure that if you loop, the registered variable will contain a list of results, one from each iteration.
- name: Retrieve Orchid MID
url: “{{ item.url }}”
force_basic_auth: yes
user: admin
password: “{{ item.password }}”
timeout: 20
with_items: “{{ my_list_of_urls }}”
register: machineids
Your list would look like this:
password: password_1
password: password_2
password: password_3
And afterwards, machineids should contain a list of machineid results. Use debug to check the exact internal structure of the variable.
I HAVE NOT TESTED THIS, it is just a guess.
Regards, K.