How-to Variable in Variable

Hi everyone

I’m new to Ansible and I’m trying to automate the generation of Cisco router configuration files.

For the same config template, I will have several hardware models and I’d like to keep the code simple.

#main.yml (roles tasks)

"How do I access a variable name programmatically" is the correct way to do it

interface {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.model]['wan'] }}


Still have an error

failed: [NRT001] (item={u’model’: u’NRT4451’, u’hostname’: u’NRT001’}) => {“failed”: true, “item”: {“hostname”: “NRT001”, “model”: “NRT4451”}, “msg”: “AnsibleUndefinedVariable: ‘dict object’ has no attribute u’NRT4451’”}

Is your variable definition in the roles vars/main.yml, if so this should work.

interface {{ vars[item.model]['wan'] }}

Have a look here.

interface {{ vars[item.model][‘wan’] }} works like a charm.
Thanks guys! really appreciate!

I was struggling to find the magic predefined variable name to point to vars/main.yml.
Where is that documented? I looked here and here