Hey guys, I’m trying to use a registered variable in with_items list, but can find a way to do it.
Here is what I’m doing:
- **name**: acquire Django root path
**shell**: pip show django | grep 'Location' | sed 's/Location:\ //g'
**register**: django_root
- **name**: customize Graphite Apache configuration
**lineinfile**: dest={{ apache_vhost_folder }}/graphite.conf regexp={{ item.default }} line={{ item.custom }} state=present
- { **default**: 'WSGISocketPrefix run/wsgi', **custom**: 'WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/{{ apache_service_name }}/wsgi' }
- { **default**: '\@DJANGO_ROOT\@', **custom**: "{{ **django_root**.stdout_lines }}" } # trying to use registered variable **django_root**, but failed
First, I get the Django root path, and register it as a variable named **django_root**
Then, I’d like to use it in the second item of **with_items**
list, but failed.
Is there a good way to achieve this goal? Thanks!