Lets say I have a playbook with the following code
- name: Check port
command: nc -z -v {{asdf_servers}} 8089
ignore_errors: true
in the group var
asdf_servers: localhost
Is there a way to use the entire host inventory file as a variable in the play book? Or can I enter multiple values for the asdf_servers variable, separated by , or ; ?
Hi Benjamin,
Can you explain what you mean by “use the entire host inventory file as a variable?”
There are things like using the host selector (“hosts: groupname”) and even stuff like:
- hosts: monitored_servers
- shell: /usr/bin/foo --server={{ item }}
delegate_to: “{{ item }}”
with_items: groups.monitoring_servers
That natively use inventory data.
The path to the inventory file is available as a variable, though in general you should not be updating that during an ansible run – if you have that kind of use case, dynamic inventory may be appropriate.
I guess it depends on the usage - so let us know more and we’d be glad to give more details.
Hi Michael,
I think that would work for me, using a dynamic inventory.
I basically have my inventory file setup with 2 stanzas that are receivers and senders. I am using Ansible to log into all the senders and do a net cat to verify ACL. In my playbook I do not want to have a command for every single sender host.
Basically have the asdf_servers variable equal to my host inventory [asdf_servers] stanza.
Ok, I’m so this doesn’t seem like a dynamic inventory question to me, but just a good example to use “delegate_to” combined with “with_items”, as you want all servers in one group to talk to the other group.
Dynamic inventory would be orthogonal to that particular question – still useful, but not the same thing.