How to use display.vvv in an Ansible module?

Hi all,

I'm creating the lxd_container module and would like to use
display.vvv for debug prints.

I copied code in some module, but nothing was printed.
Could someone show me an example code to use display.vvv?


​modules do not display anything (as they normally execute remotely), you CAN pass information back in the return JSON.

In 2.1 modules do get information about the verbosity level so you can query module.verbosity (or _ansible_verbosity if not using AnsibleModule class), to decide if you want to return the info or not.

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the info. Actually I pass the debugging information back in
the return JSON.
Glad to know that in 2.1 modules can get the verbosity level.


Thanks Brian,

little correction though, it is module.**_**verbosity.
