I am trying to figure out the correct syntax for using a variable as an index to an array:
- set_fact:
cnt: “{{ response.stdout_lines | count - 1 }}”
filename: “{{ response.stdout_lines[3] }}”
filename: “{{ response.stdout_lines[{{cnt|int}}] }}”
The hardcoded lines[3] works fine, but how can I substitute a variable for the 3?
Curly brackets doesn't stack so remove the inner most ones.
filename: "{{ response.stdout_lines[cnt|int] }}"
Ansible does not like that format either. Complains of undefined variable ‘cnt’ … (no {{ }} around it to avoid the stacking)
The error was: ‘cnt’ is undefined. Other ideas?
That's because you can't use a variable that is set in the same set_fact so they need to be two task.
- set_fact:
cnt: "{{ response.stdout_lines | count - 1 }}"
- set_fact:
filename: "{{ response.stdout_lines[cnt|int] }}"