I have a problem with a simple Ansible playbook which launch an EC2 instance.
The instance configuration is slightly different (different block-device-mapping) when I launch the same AMI from EC2 dashboard.
To debug, I would like to see the exact AWS command Ansible/Boto runs.
ansible-playbook -vvv option does not provide it, how can I go deeper into the code and traces?
Since the ec2 modules use boto, which doesn’t really execute commands, your best bet is to run your playbook with the environment variable ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1 set, and with -vvv. This will allow you to examine the modules left on the target system (most likely localhost) and run them directly with your Python debugging method of choice (epdb, etc.).
Since the ec2 modules use boto, which doesn't really execute commands,
your best bet is to run your playbook with the environment variable
ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1 set, and with -vvv. This will allow you to
examine the modules left on the target system (most likely localhost) and
run them directly with your Python debugging method of choice (epdb, etc.).
Thanks I will try