How to skip Role Dependencies?

Sometimes, we would like deploy a machine without the need for checking the “Role Dependencies”, because it is very slow for our playbook (up to 5 mins), is it possible?


Have you tried something like:

When you say “checking role dependencies” is slow, can you elaborate?

There’s a feature of Ansible called role dependencies which has nothing at all to do with the network, nor does it run any tasks, so I’m pretty sure we’re not talking about the same thing.

Or if we are, you’ve somehow got a super-strange recursive loop going on that we didn’t anticipate and it’s not going to get done ever – but you said it does get done.

In either case, more info would be great!

He just means that sometimes the user wants to run a role without having to first run through all its dependencies, something like:

ansible-playbook foo.yml --skip-role-dependencies

which would run the roles as if they had no dependencies.

I do this by tagging each dependent role as 'dependent-role' and then
use the --skip-tags dependent-role when I need to execute just the top
level role (usually only for testing).