Hi Timothy,
I thought include_vars only understood YAML & JSON ??? That’s what the docs seem to suggest. If it supports CSV, then almost certainly it would be of use to me.
(The ultimate win I suppose would be for Ansible to support pluggable data sources.)
My CSV file contains filesystem data as a proof of concept:
I have a module which loads the above data into a dict and iterates over it to creates logical volumes, filesystems and mounts.
The general idea behind this…
My team carry out many system deployments.
We are fed information from other teams as spreadsheets. E.g. lists of users/groups, software, filesystems, etc.
If Ansible can consume data in CSV format, we can formalise the spreadsheets supplied by other teams to export CSV, to take a lot of the manual effort out of our deployments.
The organisation are currently using Puppet and could use Hiera to achieve a similar result. But they are open to suggestions, and I think Ansible might be a better fit for their way of working.
The module which uses the csv data is as follows:
tasks file for filesystems roles
name: load csv file
load_csv: file={{csvfile}}
register: filesystems
name: create lvs
lvol: lv=“{{item.lv}}” vg=“{{item.vg}}” size=“{{item.size}}”
with_items: “{{filesystems.data}}”
name: create filesystems
filesystem: dev=“/dev/{{item.vg}}/{{item.lv}}” fstype=“{{item.fstype}}”
with_items: “{{filesystems.data}}”
name: create mounts
mount: src=“/dev/{{item.vg}}/{{item.lv}}” name=“{{item.mount_point}}”
fstype=“{{item.fstype}}” state=mounted
with_items: “{{filesystems.data}}”
The action plugin uses the header in line 1 of the CSV to create a dictionary.
from future import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
metaclass = type
from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
import csv
import os
class ActionModule(ActionBase):
def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
if task_vars is None:
task_vars = dict()
super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars)
file = self._task.args.get(‘file’)
if file is None:
return dict(failed=True, msg=“file is required”)
file = os.path.expanduser(file)
fobj = open(file, ‘rb’)
reader = csv.DictReader(fobj)
data = [i for i in reader]
except Exception as err:
return dict(failed=True, msg=“failed: %s” % err)
return dict(failed=False, changed=False, data=data,)
The top level playbook looks like this: