Hi there,
I am trying to have some kind of default value when prompting for variables like this:
branch_prompt: “Branch to deploy? (master)”
branch: “‘$branch_prompt’ if $branch_prompt else ‘master’”
also tried some variations with quotes and curly brackets, things like:
branch: “${branch_default} = ‘${branch_prompt}’ if $branch else ‘master’”.
I thought you could have python expressions to be evaluated while registering variables, there are examples like this one
is_color_blue: “‘$color’ == ‘blue’”
However, I could not even make this work:
vars_prompt: branch: “Branch to deploy? (master)” vars: branch2: “‘${branch}’ == ‘master’” tasks: - debug: msg=“Branch is ${branch2}” fail=yes
The debug message is just a string: “Branch is ‘’ == ‘master’”
What am I doing wrong? What would be the right way to declare defaults for prompt varialbes?
vars_prompt does not currently provide a way to set a default value.
I am fine with it having such an option ("default:") if the entry is
blank if someone wants to add that. I seem to have thought we did
something like this before, but apparently no.
However it's also true that the expression you printed inthe debug
statement is just going to print as a string and does not work as you
What you want is "when_string" or the earlier "only_if" conditional.
Thanks Michael,
However it's also true that the expression you printed inthe debug
statement is just going to print as a string and does not work as you
Now I get it. The is_something variables in the expamples are just
strings that get evaluated later at the only_if.
Is there any need for that to be explicit in the docs? May be at he
"Conditional Execution" epigraph in Advanced Playbooks?
Let me know, I would like to give something back, even if it is only
one line in the docs.
Thanks again. I just finished my first drupal-deploy playbook and I am
quitte happy about how easy it was.
On current devel branch, vars_prompt now accept default values.