How to set environment variable with value obtained from ~/.aws/credentials?

I’m using Ansible’s s3 module, and it needs aws_access_key and aws_secret_key to work in my AWS environment, even though the page says they’re not required. These values are in my $HOME/.aws/credentials file

[default] aws_access_key_id = LAFHALFHLAHFLFAH aws_secret_access_key = IRUPQORUQPORUQEPORUQPORUQEP

I want to get these values to set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables. So how do I write an Ansible task to…

  1. Read the contents of the $HOME/.aws/credentiials
  2. Get the key/value pairs
  3. Set the corresponding environment variables?

Sorry I can’t help with reading the file but this is how I am setting environment variables to use with a shell line


  • name: ABC_environment
    prompt: “Enter live or preprod to set environment”
    private: no
    when: ABC_environment is undefined

  • name: ABC_password
    prompt: “Enter the ABC Encryption key”
    private: yes
    when: ABC_password is undefined

ABCENV: “{{ ABC_environment }}”
ABCPWD: “{{ ABC_password }}”

  • name: install ABC file
    shell: unzip -P ${ABCPWD} -o -d/application /tmp/ ABC_${ABCENV}_application.file

shell: sudo -u xyz install -o xyz -g xyz -m 550 /application/ABC_${ABCENV}_application /application/application.file

Hope this helps…

Check out lookup

Thanks, I’m reading on lookup now, and that may be the way to go.