How to run ansible playbook with Bamboo or jenkins

I want to execute an ansible playbook using Bamboo or jenkins. However the build failed because i can’t pass the ssh password .
Have you any idea please ?

There is an ansible plugin for jenkins, but there is no option to run on remote host ( I may be wrong) .
I created jenkins role and was able to run ansible playbook via ssh-agent . Please check the readme file in my github and let me know your feedback

We have ssh keys established between our Jenkins server and our Ansible server. Then in the Jenkins job, we have an Execute Shell command with an entry like so…

ssh ansible@ansible_server_address -C “cd ~ansible/playbooks;ansible-playbook -i hostsfile site.yml --extra-vars “whatever vars you want to pass” -vv”

We have the Jenkins job set to run periodically (i.e. cron’d)