I feel like this probably comes up a lot and is a solved problem, but my Google-fu is failing me.
I’m using Ansible with vagrant to create development virtual machines.
The one thing that bugs me a little (and this was true with our previous Chef-based solution as well to be fair) is that I have to log into this system as a user called “vagrant” and I don’t have my preferred dotfiles and what-not. So this means my vim isn’t the way I like it and if I do a git commit it’s going to show up in the log as “vagrant”.
This is of course all solvable by copying my dotfiles over; I could even create an account with my name. I haven’t bothered to do this, because I’m lazy to do this manually. Like most developers, I refuse to do a few minutes of manual work if I can spend a couple of hours and make it automated And of course this is Ansible, so it should totally be possible to do this – I’m just missing a bit of knowledge to make it happen.
So if my user on the local system that I’m running ansible on is “marca” – how do I get at this information? I couldn’t find a built-in variable for this. Reading ansible_env.USER is going to get me the USER on the remote system; not what I want.
My current, possibly hacky solution is to invoke ansible-playbook with --extra-vars=“invoking_user=$USER” and then my playbook can do:
name: Create user for invoking user
sudo: true
user: name={{ invoking_user }} comment=“John Doe” uid=1040 group=admin password=xxx
tags: -
name: Set authorized_key for invoking user
sudo: true
authorized_key: user={{ invoking_user }} key=“{{ lookup(‘file’, “/Users/marca/.ssh/id_rsa.pub”) }}”
This is pretty crude, as ideally I wouldn’t have to pass the --extra-vars and ideally there would be some existing solution that sets the user, comment, uid, group, etc. all automatically using the local values. Note that I also want to copy my ssh key but I can’t figure out how to replace “marca” with {{ invoking_user }} – that doesn’t work, because it would nest the double curly brace syntax so it won’t get expanded. Actually it would be even better to use $HOME but it’s the same problem.
I guess the ideal would be some kind of module that replicates my local user to the remote system, including uid and ssh key.
If there wasn’t such a role/playbook available, I might write it, if I knew how.
Would be grateful for any tips to point me in the right direction.