How to preserve the formatting of DB command execution output in Ansible

Below is my manual command-line DB command execution output:

Note: I changed the connection string on purpose… Let me know if you need the correct connection string to check and test anything real time?

mongo --quiet --eval ‘db=db.getSiblingDB(“efendibey”); printjson(db.stats())’ mongodb://42y2jn2Su31W9sS7hn:7x3uU0d9SrewLi0i3@

“db” : “efendibey”,
“collections” : 15,
“views” : 0,
“objects” : 389,
“avgObjSize” : 463.32647814910024,
“dataSize” : 180234,
“storageSize” : 479232,
“indexes” : 15,
“indexSize” : 405504,
“totalSize” : 884736,
“scaleFactor” : 1,
“fsUsedSize” : 39113961472,
“fsTotalSize” : 42256773120,
“ok”: 1

I want this output as is to be sent back to the executor using ansible. Thus, above is the expected output I desire.

Below is my ansible playbook for the above command execution and print:

  • name: Execute DB command
    hosts: localhost
    gather_facts: false


  • name: Execute DB command
    raw: “{{ item }}”
    register: dboutput

  • “mongo --quiet --eval ‘db=db.getSiblingDB("efendibey"); printjson(db.stats())’ mongodb://42y2jn2Su31W9sS7hn:7x3uU0d9SrewLi0i3@”

  • name: DEBUG DB output
    msg: “here: {{ item.stdout }}”
    loop: “{{ dboutput.results }}”

However, the formatting it lost as visible from the output below:

TASK [Execute DB command] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=mongo --quiet --eval ‘db=db.getSiblingDB(“efendibey”); printjson(db.stats())’ mongodb://42y2jn2Su31W9sS7hn:7x3uU0d9SrewLi0i3@

TASK [DEBUG DB output] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item={‘rc’: 0, ‘stdout’: ‘{\n\t"db" : “efendibey”,\n\t"collections" : 15,\n\t"views" : 0,\n\t"objects" : 389,\n\t"avgObjSize" : 463.32647814910024,\n\t"dataSize" : 180234,\n\t"storageSize" : 479232,\n\t"indexes" : 15,\n\t"indexSize" : 405504,\n\t"totalSize" : 884736,\n\t"scaleFactor" : 1,\n\t"fsUsedSize" : 39113928704,\n\t"fsTotalSize" : 42256773120,\n\t"ok" : 1\n}\n’, ‘stdout_lines’: [‘{’, ‘\t"db" : “efendibey”,’, ‘\t"collections" : 15,’, ‘\t"views" : 0,’, ‘\t"objects" : 389,’, ‘\t"avgObjSize" : 463.32647814910024,’, ‘\t"dataSize" : 180234,’, ‘\t"storageSize" : 479232,’, ‘\t"indexes" : 15,’, ‘\t"indexSize" : 405504,’, ‘\t"totalSize" : 884736,’, ‘\t"scaleFactor" : 1,’, ‘\t"fsUsedSize" : 39113928704,’, ‘\t"fsTotalSize" : 42256773120,’, ‘\t"ok" : 1’, ‘}’], ‘stderr’: ‘’, ‘stderr_lines’: , ‘changed’: True, ‘failed’: False, ‘item’: ‘mongo --quiet --eval 'db=db.getSiblingDB(“efendibey”); printjson(db.stats())' mongodb://42y2jn2Su31W9sS7hn:7x3uU0d9SrewLi0i3@’, ‘ansible_loop_var’: ‘item’}) => {
“msg”: “here: {\n\t"db" : "efendibey",\n\t"collections" : 15,\n\t"views" : 0,\n\t"objects" : 389,\n\t"avgObjSize" : 463.32647814910024,\n\t"dataSize" : 180234,\n\t"storageSize" : 479232,\n\t"indexes" : 15,\n\t"indexSize" : 405504,\n\t"totalSize" : 884736,\n\t"scaleFactor" : 1,\n\t"fsUsedSize" : 39113928704,\n\t"fsTotalSize" : 42256773120,\n\t"ok" : 1\n}\n”

I wish to eventually use blockinfile to dump and then read back the output of DB execution to a flat file.

I tried regex_replace filter but the new lines and other formatting remain disturbed and i cannot get the desired output.

  • name: Replace escaped characters with actual newline and tab
    formatted_data: “{{ item.stdout | regex_replace(‘\\n’, ‘\n’) | regex_replace(‘\\t’, ‘\t’) }}”
    loop: “{{ dboutput.results }}”

Note: In case it is difficult to get the output as is… I would like the output to be decently formatted on newlines.

Can you please suggest how can I?