I would like to pass the variable holding value to regex to match the output.
prim_b2b_ip is the variable which i need to use inside the regex search for matching whether the return output comes as expected or not.
Here I dont know how to use it, hence passing the ip directly.
- name: Ensure vpnv4 b2b bgp neighborship peering between Secondary to Primary
hosts: secondary
gather_facts: false
connection: local
tags: - “sec_b2b_check”
tasks: - name: bgp vpnv4 neighborship peering validation on Secondary
commands: - “show ip bgp vpnv4 all summary”
register: output - debug:
msg: “{{output}}” - set_fact:
intf: | - {{ output.stdout | map(‘regex_search’,‘(([\s]+)([\d])([\s]+)([\d]+)([\s]+)([\d]+)([\s]+)([\d]+)([\s]+)([\d]+)([\s]+)([\d]+)([\s]+)([\d]+)([\s]+)(.*)([\s]+)([\d]+))’) | list }}
register: output - debug:
msg: “{{ output }}” - name: Check B2B interface address presence on secondary
msg: “B2B peering interface address is not present on secondary”
failed_when: prim_b2b_ip not in intf