How to pass stdout of a variable belonging to different Ansible play ?

How to pass “stdout” of a variable “command_result” belonging to Ansible Play-1 to shell module of a different Play-2?

My playbook looks like below:


  • name: Play 1
    hosts: localhost

  • name: “Collect Output”
    command: ls -ltr *
    register: command_result

  • name: Play 2
    hosts: remotehost

  • shell: “~/ {{ Number }} ‘{{ InstallDir }}’ ‘{{ hostvars["localhost"]["command_result"].results|map(attribute=/‘stdout/’)|list }}’ > ~/rollback.log”


I get runtime error executing shell which is of the nature below:

fatal: []: FAILED! => {“msg”: “template error while templating string: unexpected ‘/’. String: ~/ {{ Number }} ‘{{ InstallDir }}’ ‘{{ hostvars["localhost"]["command_result"].results|map(attribute=/‘stdout/’)|list }}’ > ~/rollback.log”}

I tried several tweaks but not sure how to get this to work ?

How to pass "stdout" of a variable "command_result" belonging to Ansible
Play-1 to shell module of a different Play-2?

My playbook looks like below:

- name: Play 1
  hosts: localhost
   - name: "Collect Output"
     command: ls -ltr *
     register: command_result

     - set_fact:
         command_result: "{{ command_result }}"

- name: Play 2
  hosts: remotehost
   - shell: "~/ {{ Number }} '{{ InstallDir }}' '{{
}}' > ~/rollback.log"

Make the scope of "command_result" playbook-wide with "set_fact". Registered
variables belong to the host which is running the play. i.e. "localhost" in
your case. The second play runs "remotehost" who know nothing about varaibles
registered by "localhost".



The problem is the string is shell. Try to create the parameters first. For

  - set_fact:
      my_list: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].command_result.results|
                   map(attribute='stdout')|list }}"

  - shell: "~/ {{ Number }} '{{ InstallDir }}' '{{ my_list }}' > ~/rollback.log"

I tried the set_fact suggestion but seems I need more help / understanding.

Below is the error i get:

FAILED! => {“msg”: "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: ‘command_result’ is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in ‘/app/rollback.yml’: line 88, column 6, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

Below is my updated playbook:


  • name: Play 1
    hosts: localhost

  • name: “Collect Output”
    command: ls -ltr *
    register: command_result

  • set_fact:
    command_result: “{{ command_result }}”

  • name: Play 2
    hosts: remotehost

  • shell: “~/ {{ Number }} ‘{{ InstallDir }}’ ‘{{ command_result.stdout }}’ > ~/rollback.log”


The solution given with “my_list” is complaining of the below error:

FAILED! => {“msg”: "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘results’\n\nThe error appears to be in

Guess we need to relook at this proposed code snippet:

my_list: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].command_result.results|map(attribute='stdout')|list }}"

Something is still wrong.


The playbook below

- hosts: localhost
    - set_fact:
        Number: '42'
    - set_fact:
        InstallDir: '/usr/local'
    - name: 'Collect Output'
      command: "sh -c 'ls -1 /scratch/tmp/*.db'"
      register: result

- hosts: test_01
    - set_fact:
        My_list: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].result.stdout_lines|join(',') }}"
    - set_fact:
        Number: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].Number }}"
    - set_fact:
        InstallDir: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].InstallDir }}"
    - shell: "/root/ {{ Number }}
                                {{ InstallDir }}
                                {{ My_list }} > /root/rollback.log"

With the script

      root@test_01:~ # cat /root/
      echo $1
      echo $2
      echo $3


      root@test_01:~ # cat /root/rollback.log