How to *not* print ansible diagnostic error messages?


I have a playbook which executes a local task from which I need the exit status in later steps:

   - name: Get exit status of ./
     local_action: command ./
     register: ES
     ignore_errors: yes

   - name: Do something if ./ failed
     when: ES.rc == 1

Unfortunately when "./" fails, ansible prints a whole bunch of diagnostic output to the screen, which I am not interested in.

How can I tell ansible *not* to print diagnostic error output of a specific step?

We are running ansible 2.3.0 0 on CentOS 7



Would adding the

no_log: True

bit do what you’re after? That doesn’t remove all the text, but it cuts it down quite markedly.

In your example:

← Cut →

  • name: Get exit status of ./
    local_action: command ./
    register: ES
    ignore_errors: yes
    no_log: True
    ← Cut →

Cheers, Mike

You could use "failed_when: False" on the task. Although, keep in mind
that would make the task treated as successful for all other purposes
(e.g. ES.failed would be set to False).

Best regards
