How to mount partition when NTFS only


I have a playbook that scans for hard drives and mounts them in order to do a backup of the data from those drives. I am able to scan for the drives just fine and I can also mount them (thanks to the Ansible IRC community). The only issue I am having is mounting ONLY when the partition is fstype: ntfs. As you can see below, when I run the parted module, I can see a key value of fstype: ntfs.


ok: [localhost] => (item=sda) => {
“changed”: false,
“disk”: {
“dev”: “/dev/sda”,
“logical_block”: 512,
“model”: “VMware Virtual disk”,
“physical_block”: 512,
“size”: 33554432.0,
“table”: “msdos”,
“unit”: “kib”
“invocation”: {
“module_args”: {
“align”: “optimal”,
“device”: “/dev/sda”,
“flags”: null,
“label”: null,
“name”: null,
“number”: null,
“part_end”: “100%”,
“part_start”: “0%”,
“part_type”: “primary”,
“state”: “info”,
“unit”: “KiB”
“item”: “sda”,
“partitions”: [
“begin”: 1024.0,
“end”: 308224.0,
“flags”: [
“fstype”: “ntfs”,
“num”: 1,
“size”: 307200.0,
“unit”: “kib”
“begin”: 308224.0,
“end”: 33553408.0,
“flags”: ,
“fstype”: “ntfs”,
“num”: 2,
“size”: 33245184.0,
“unit”: “kib”
“script”: “unit ‘KiB’ print”


I use the setup module to scan for the devices and the parted module to see the fstype. Thinking about it further, I should probably just use the parted module to get me both since parted does provide both.

Using parted alone without setup, how can I tell my mount task to just mount ONLY if the fstype is ntfs? Here is my current playbook:


Any suggestions? :slight_smile:

You should check your with_items: under "Check for hard drive devices" it's in practice empty.


Thanks for the response. Can you elaborate on what you by “it’s in practice empty”? From what I can tell, I am parted to then pull the key values for a list of drives. This doesn’t fully work based on what I am trying to do. In essence, I am looking for help to accomplish what I want and that would be filtering through partitions that are NTFS only. An example, if you have one, would be great. I am still lost on how to only list out and mount partitions that are NTFS only

json_query is a filter, for a filter to work it need content.
When you only use a filter and not any content it's basically empty.

   - name: Check for hard drive devices
     parted: device=/dev/{{ item }}
     register: driveFStype
     with_items: "{{ json_query('*.partitions.keys(@)') }}"

Here you only have a filter in with_items, no content at all.

- name:
     path: "/mnt/{{ item }}"
     src: "/dev/{{ item }}"
     fstype: ntfs
     state: mounted
   with_items: "{{ ansible_devices | json_query('*.partitions.keys(@)') }}"

Here you have content in the form of the variable ansible_device that's why this task work and the task above fails.

Yep, I get that…my point is I don’t know how to pull the NTFS partition info from the filter. It seems like a nested key pair value and I don’t know how to extract it for comparison

I got a bit further. I was able to add the following:



  • name: Install jmespath via pip if missing
    name: jmespath

  • name: check for hard drive devices
    filter: ansible_devices

  • test

  • name: get device info
    parted: device=/dev/{{ item.key }} unit=MiB
    register: results

  • test
    ignore_errors: yes
    with_dict: “{{ ansible_devices }}”

  • name: mount ntfs partitions
    path: “/mnt/{{ item.item }}”
    src: “{{ }}”
    fstype: ntfs
    when: “item.partitions | length > 0 and item.partitions | selectattr(‘fstype’, ‘equalto’, ‘ntfs’) | list | length > 0”
    with_items: “{{ results.results }}”

  • test


However, I am getting the following errors:

PLAY [Backup customer data] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [check for hard drive devices] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [get device info] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
failed: [localhost] (item={‘key’: u’sr0’, ‘value’: {u’scheduler_mode’: u’cfq’, u’sectorsize’: u’512’, u’vendor’: u’NECVMWar’, u’sectors’: u’2097151’, u’sas_device_handle’: None, u’sas_address’: None, u’host’: u’IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)‘, u’rotational’: u’1’, u’removable’: u’1’, u’support_discard’: u’0’, u’holders’: , u’partitions’: {}, u’model’: u’VMware IDE CDR10’, u’size’: u’1024.00 MB’}}) => {“err”: “Error: Error opening /dev/sr0: No medium found\n”, “failed”: true, “item”: {“key”: “sr0”, “value”: {“holders”: , “host”: “IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)”, “model”: “VMware IDE CDR10”, “partitions”: {}, “removable”: “1”, “rotational”: “1”, “sas_address”: null, “sas_device_handle”: null, “scheduler_mode”: “cfq”, “sectors”: “2097151”, “sectorsize”: “512”, “size”: “1024.00 MB”, “support_discard”: “0”, “vendor”: “NECVMWar”}}, “msg”: “Error while getting device information with parted script: ‘/usr/sbin/parted -s -m /dev/sr0 – unit ‘MiB’ print’”, “out”: “”, “rc”: 1}
ok: [localhost] => (item={‘key’: u’sda’, ‘value’: {u’scheduler_mode’: u’cfq’, u’sectorsize’: u’512’, u’vendor’: u’VMware’, u’sectors’: u’67108864’, u’sas_device_handle’: None, u’sas_address’: None, u’host’: u’Serial Attached SCSI controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS1068 PCI-X Fusion-MPT SAS (rev 01)‘, u’rotational’: u’1’, u’removable’: u’0’, u’support_discard’: u’0’, u’holders’: , u’partitions’: {u’sda2’: {u’sectorsize’: 512, u’uuid’: u’A880A12480A0FA48’, u’sectors’: u’66490368’, u’start’: u’616448’, u’holders’: , u’size’: u’31.71 GB’}, u’sda1’: {u’sectorsize’: 512, u’uuid’: u’9844A05B44A03E3E’, u’sectors’: u’614400’, u’start’: u’2048’, u’holders’: , u’size’: u’300.00 MB’}}, u’model’: u’Virtual disk’, u’size’: u’32.00 GB’}})
TASK [mount ntfs partitions] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“failed”: true, “msg”: “The conditional check ‘item.partitions | length > 0 and item.partitions | selectattr(‘fstype’, ‘equalto’, ‘ntfs’) | list | length > 0’ failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (item.partitions | length > 0 and item.partitions | selectattr(‘fstype’, ‘equalto’, ‘ntfs’) | list | length > 0): ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘partitions’\n\nThe error appears to have been in ‘/home/svcacctansible/automation/backup/customerBackup.yml’: line 35, column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n - name: mount ntfs partitions\n ^ here\n”}
to retry, use: --limit @/home/svcacctansible/automation/backup/customerBackup.retry
PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1

I’m only wanting to mount any partition that is NTFS

I was able to resolve this by redoing all of my tasks as follows:



  • name: Install jmespath via pip if missing
    name: jmespath

  • name: run the setup module for some facts about the hardware
    filter: ansible_devices

  • new

  • name: check what drives are available
    device: /dev/{{ item }}
    with_items: “{{ ansible_devices }}”

  • item != ‘sr0’
    register: result

  • name: get a list of paritions that are only ntfs
    msg: “{{ }}{{ (item.0.disk.table == ‘loop’) | ternary(‘’, item.1.num) }}”
    when: item.1.fstype == ‘ntfs’

  • “{{ result.results }}”

  • partitions

  • name: mount ntfs partitions
    path: “/mnt/{{ }}{{ (item.0.disk.table == ‘loop’) | ternary(‘’, item.1.num) }}”
    src: “{{ }}{{ (item.0.disk.table == ‘loop’) | ternary(‘’, item.1.num) }}”
    fstype: ntfs
    state: mounted
    when: item.1.fstype == ‘ntfs’

when: results.item.value.partitions.fstype == “ntfs”


  • “{{ result.results }}”
  • partitions
