How to mask connection string Passwords while connecting through DB using sqlplus ansible

I am running into an issue where ansible is spitting up password, which is a security breach as these logs will automatically uploads to developer shared location for review. How can I mask the passwords in spitting up here. I need to use stdout_lines whether we run the job in clean state or not, so I cant take out that from list.


  • name: Disabling Queue
    shell: source ~/.bash_profile && sqlplus -S ‘{{ admin }}/{{ password }}@{{ TNS_NAME }}’ @“disable.sql”
    register: disable_queue
    delegate_to: localhost
    chdir: roles/db-deploy/files/
    tags: Jobs

  • debug: var=disable_jobqueue.stdout_lines
    delegate_to: localhost

TASK [db-deploy : Disabling Job Queue] ******************** 21:46:20 [buildNode1] fatal: [Host1 -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "source ~/.bash_profile && sqlplus -S 'userName/visiblePassword(DESCRIPTION = (CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5)(RETRY_COUNT=0)(LOAD_BALANCE = off)(FAILOVER = on)(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Host1)(PORT = 1521))(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Host1)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = serviceName1)))' @\"disable.sql\"", "delta": "0:00:00.412873", "end": "2019-04-25 02:46:20.036544", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2019-04-25 02:46:19.623671", "stderr": "/bin/sh: sqlplus: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: sqlplus: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} 21:46:20 [buildNode1] fatal: [Host2 -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "source ~/.bash_profile && sqlplus -S 'userName/visiblePassword(DESCRIPTION = (CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5)(RETRY_COUNT=0)(LOAD_BALANCE = off)(FAILOVER = on)(ADDRESS_LIST= (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Host2)(PORT = 1521))(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Host2)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = serviceName2)))' @\"disable.sql\"", "delta": "0:00:00.419597", "end": "2019-04-25 02:46:20.041097", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2019-04-25 02:46:19.621500", "stderr": "/bin/sh: sqlplus: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: sqlplus: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} 21:46:20 [buildNode1] fatal: [Host3 -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "source ~/.bash_profile && sqlplus -S 'userName/visiblePassword(DESCRIPTION = (CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5)(RETRY_COUNT=0)(LOAD_BALANCE = off)(FAILOVER = on)(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Host3)(PORT = 1521))(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Host3)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = serviceName3)))' @\"disable.sql\"", "delta": "0:00:00.419941", "end": "2019-04-25 02:46:20.054755", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2019-04-25 02:46:19.634814", "stderr": "/bin/sh: sqlplus: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: sqlplus: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

Thanks and Regards

Have you tried using vault ?

Yes, admin & password variables will replace here and those are encrypted using ansible vault

I am running into an issue where ansible is spitting up password, which is a security breach as these logs will
automatically uploads to developer shared location for review. How can I mask the passwords in spitting up here. I need
to use stdout_lines whether we run the job in clean state or not, so I cant take out that from list.

shell:source ~/.bash_profile && sqlplus -S '{{ admin }}/{{password }}@{{TNS_NAME }}' @"disable.sql"
register: disable_queue
delegate_to: localhost
chdir: roles/db-deploy/files/
tags: Jobs

- debug: var=disable_jobqueue.stdout_lines
delegate_to: localhost

Hello Raj,

you can disable logging of the task details with

no_log: True

Also you can pass the password in an environment variable and use that in the shell command.


you could also look at using oracle wallet if you don’t want to use environment variables for some reason.