How to manage authorized_keys?


I’m using authorized_keys core module for managing the same name files. So, what I need?

I have a role, and var file with all ssh-keys. For exmpl:

user1_key: SSH PUB KEY HERE
user2_key: SSH PUB KEY HERE

I want to define which users I can put to authorized_keys. For example, I use in a playbook:


  • { role: ssh.role, ssh_user: test1, ssh_user_key: “{{ user1_key }}”, “{{ user2_key }}” }

But… I need to define a list of values, separated with a “new line”. Using line above I’m getting authorized_keys file with 2 SSH keys, separated with comma.

In role:

  • name: Manage authorized_keys
    authorized_key: user=“{{ ssh_user }}” key=“{{ ssh_user_key }}”

Please suggest!

Found solution in Doc:

- user: name={{ }} state=present generate_ssh_key=yes
  with_items: "{{users}}"

- authorized_key: "user={{ }} key='{{ lookup('file', item.1) }}'"
     - users
     - authorized
And somewhere define:

- name: test1
      - "{{ user1_key }}"
      - "{{ user2_key }}"

But, when I decide to remove user2_key, It still persists in authorized_key file! It's unacceptable!

Is there anyone who can share own experience? It’s supposed to be a widespread task!

But, when I decide to remove user2_key, It still persists in
authorized_key file! It's unacceptable!

maybe you find the
'exclusive' parameter useful?

Unfortunately, It’s not useful for multiple keys :frowning:

Hi Eugene,

Here is a fairly old snipped I used for such purpose. I hope you will
find it useful

it uses template to produce authorized_keys

I think it is possible to do the same with assemble module but I have not tried.

-- Best

Unfortunately, It's not useful for multiple keys

to quote the documentation again:

I would just use templates

Have a look at our ssh-keys role.