How to make use of Ansible Tower Rest API


I’m fairly new to working with Ansible and Ansible Tower.
So far I’ve written some playbooks and can execute them.

I have taken some of the playbooks and put them in Tower and can run them from Tower.

Now I’m trying to make the move to executing jobs from vRO…
I don’t administer the vRO system, so really what I’m trying to figure out is what I need to present to the administrator of that system so that when a new system is provisioned,

vRO can make the calls to:

  1. Add a new host to a group
  2. Execute a job

Depending on requirements, the new hosts may be ephemeral, so the first step may not be necessary, but for hosts in which we want to continue management.

Thank you,

R. Singh

This list is for ansible core , i think there is a seperate support
channel for tower.
for executing jobs this doc might help

for adding hosts to inventory , i think you should utilize the dynamic
inventory script for vmware so that hosts are automatically synced and
you dont have to add/remove them manually.


Thank you for your response.
Sorry about posting in the wrong list.
Will look at the link you provided.

Also, thank you for your mention of the Dynamic Inventory script for VMware. Will read up on that as well.
