I’m using the latest ansible-test. Here is the code:
def cmd_options_params_definition() → dict[str, Any]:
here are the errors:
Running sanity test “import” on Python 3.6
ERROR: plugins/module_utils/ha_cluster_lsr/pcs_api_v2_utils.py:93:0: traceback: TypeError: ‘type’ object is not subscriptable
Running sanity test “import” on Python 3.7
ERROR: plugins/module_utils/ha_cluster_lsr/pcs_api_v2_utils.py:93:0: traceback: TypeError: ‘type’ object is not subscriptable
Running sanity test “import” on Python 3.8
ERROR: plugins/module_utils/ha_cluster_lsr/pcs_api_v2_utils.py:93:0: traceback: TypeError: ‘type’ object is not subscriptable
I suppose I could create a tests/config.yml with
python_requires: “>= 3.9”
but that seems like a pretty big hammer . . . hoping there is another way to handle this.