How to make and run Ansible Playbooks in CentOS 7?

Hi All,
I am reading a book to install and work on Asterisk 16.
I am a beginner to both Linux and Asterisk but started reading the book properly and got stuck on a place in the book

In that book, the Author just mentioned the below task:
Create an Ansible playbook in the file ~/ansible/playbooks/starfish.yml

As I am new to Linux and Ansible, I need your help in this…

It is better if someone teaches me the steps to create, edit and save the “starfish.yml” file.

Thanks a lot…

Hi All,
            I am reading a book to install and work on Asterisk 16.
            I am a beginner to both Linux and Asterisk but started reading
the book properly and got stuck on a place in the book

In that book, the Author just mentioned the below task:
Create an Ansible playbook in the file ~/ansible/playbooks/starfish.yml

As I am new to Linux and Ansible, I need your help in this...

So, you're trying to learn all three of Ansible, Asterisk and Linux at the
same time!?

That doesn't sound good to me - depending on what operating system/s you're
previously familiar with, Linux can be enough of a challenge to get
comfortable with (and I'm assuming you're not an experienced Unix admin), and
I recommend you start with that before tackling anything else as potentially
even more complicated as Ansible and Asterisk (and certainly not both at the
same time).

It is better if someone teaches me the steps to create, edit and save the
"starfish.yml" file.

The simple answer to that is that you need a text editor.

Popular ones are vi, nano and emacs. My preference is vi, but I believe
beginners often seem to prefer nano.

The slightly longer answer to your question about how to "Create an Ansible
playbook in the file ~/ansible/playbooks/starfish.yml" and assuming you choose
vi as your editor is:

$ cd ~
$ mkdir -p ansible/playbooks
$ vi starfish.yml

Press insert, and you can enter whatever content the book tells you should be
in that file.

When done, press Escape, and then :wq to save the file and exit.

However, your question makes me feel that you're really getting rather ahead
of yourself by asking this on the ansible mailing list, and you should
consider joining a list helping newcomers to whichever Linux distribution
you're using (presumably CentOS, Ubuntu or something related to either of
those), and get to know about package management, basic configuration file
editing, and system log files etc., before trying to run ahead and get involved
with things as complex as Asterisk and Ansible.

I'm not trying to put you off - I'm just saying that you may find things a lot
easier to understand if you take things in stages rather than attempting to
learn several new things all at the same time.



There are many videos on Youtube which can help you for that.

For a start (and assuming it’s not been previously suggested before), would recommend following:

  1. Jeff Geerling’s Ansible 101 series
  2. LearnLinuxTv’s Getting Started With Ansible Series on YouTube.

Best of luck

Hello everyone!

Found this discussion in google after facing the same issue as the topic creator.

The point here is that he’s not trying to learn everything at the same time. We are reading the book “Asterisk: Definitive Guide 5th Edition”, and to set up an Asterisk environment, instead of doing everything manually, the book offers a playbook which installs everything you need to start following the book. Asterisk only runs in Linux, but previous Linux knowledge is not obligatory (although recommended). The problem here is that they don’t provide the playbook file online and we have to copy it manually (or through a PDF book), however both ways are easy to misspell or add unwanted spaces.

Well, I’ve tried to write the file manually and I’m getting stuck due to an syntax error, but I can’t find where the error is. This is the whole file. The part that returns an error is the bold one. Can someone help us to figure out how to fix this playbook? Thanks in advance!

  • hosts: starfish
    become: yes

Use these on the first run of this playbook

current_mysql_root_password: “”
updated_mysql_root_password: “root”
current_mysql_asterisk_password: “”
updated_mysql_asterisk_password: “root”

Comment the above out after the first run

Uncomment these for subsequent runs

current_mysql_root_password: “YouNeedAReallyGoodPassword”

updated_mysql_root_password: “{{ current_mysql_root_password }}”

current_mysql_asterisk_password: “YouNeedAReallyGoodPasswordHereToo”

updated_mysql_asterisk_password: “{{ current_mysql_asterisk_password }}”


  • name: Install epel-release
    name: epel-release
    state: present

  • name: Install dependencies
    name: [‘vim’, ‘wget’, ‘MySQL-python’]
    state: present

  • name: Install the MySQL repo.
    state: present

  • name: Install mysql-server
    name: mysql-server
    state: present

  • name: Override variables for MySQL (RedHat).
    mysql_daemon: mysqld
    mysql_packages: [‘mysql-server’]
    mysql_log_error: /var/log/mysqld.err
    mysql_syslog_tag: mysqld
    mysql_pid_file: /var/run/mysqld/
    mysql_socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
    when: ansible_os_family == “RedHat”

  • name: Ensure MySQL server is running
    name: mysqld
    state: started
    enabled: yes

  • name: update mysql root pass for localhost root account from local servers
    login_user: root
    login_password: “{{ current_mysql_root_password }}”
    name: root
    host: “{{ item }}”
    password: “{{ updated_mysql_root_password }}”

  • localhost

  • name: update mysql root password for all other local root accounts
    login_user: root
    login_password: “{{ updated_mysql_root_password }}”
    name: root
    host: “{{ item }}”
    password: “{{ updated_mysql_root_password }}”

  • “{{ inventory_hostname }}”


  • ::1

  • localhost.localdomain

  • name: create asterisk database
    login_user: root
    login_password: “{{ updated_mysql_root_password }}”
    name: asterisk
    state: present

  • name: asterisk mysql user
    login_user: root
    login_password: “{{ updated_mysql_root_password }}”
    name: asterisk
    host: “{{ item }}”
    password: “{{ updated_mysql_asterisk_password }}”
    priv: “asterisk.*:ALL”

  • “{{ inventory_hostname }}”


  • ::1

  • localhost

  • localhost.localdomain

  • name: remove anonymous user
    login_user: root
    login_password: “{{ updated_mysql_root_password }}”
    name: “”
    state: absent
    host: “{{ item }}”

  • localhost

  • “{{ inventory_hostname }}”


  • ::1

  • localhost.localdomain

  • name: remove test database
    login_user: root
    login_password: “{{ updated_mysql_root_password }}”
    name: test
    state: absent

  • user:
    name: asterisk
    state: present
    createhome: yes

  • group:
    name: asterisk
    state: present

  • user:
    name: astmin
    groups: asterisk,wheel
    state: present

- name: Install other dependencies

  • unixODBC
  • unixODBC-devel
  • mysql-connector-odbc
  • MySQL-python
  • tcpdump
  • ntp
  • ntpdate
  • jansson
  • bind-utils
    state: present

#Tweak the firewall for UDP/SIP

  • firewalld:
    port: 5060/udp
    permanent: true
    state: enabled

#Tweak firewall for UDP/RTP

  • firewalld:
    port: 10000-20000/udp
    permanent: true
    state: enabled

  • name: Ensure NTP is running
    name: ntpd
    state: started
    enabled: yes

The file is versioned, so if you don’t have version 8, see what the

/usr/lib64/ file is, and refer to that instead

on your ‘Driver64’ line, and then run the playbook again

  • name: update odbcinst.ini
    dest: /etc/odbcinst.ini
    regexp: “{{ item.regexp }}”
    line: “{{ item.line }}”
    state: present

  • regexp: “^Driver64”
    line: “Driver64 = /usr/lib64/”

  • regexp: “^Setup64”
    line: “Setup64 = /usr/lib64/”

  • name: create odbc.ini
    path: /etc/odbc.ini
    create: yes
    block: |
    Driver = MySQL
    Description = MySQL connection to ‘asterisk’ database
    Server = localhost
    Port = 3306
    Database = asterisk
    UserName = asterisk
    Password = {{ updated_mysql_asterisk_password }}
    #Socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    Socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    Socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

Hello everyone!

Found this discussion in google after facing the same issue as the topic creator.

The point here is that he's not trying to learn everything at the same time. We are reading the book "Asterisk: Definitive Guide 5th Edition", and to set up an Asterisk environment, instead of doing everything manually, the book offers a playbook which installs everything you need to start following the book. Asterisk only runs in Linux, but previous Linux knowledge is not obligatory (although recommended). The problem here is that they don't provide the playbook file online and we have to copy it manually (or through a PDF book), however both ways are easy to misspell or add unwanted spaces.

This sure sounds like a tedious exercise. What would be the reason
they do not provide the file (I wonder).

Well, I've tried to write the file manually and I'm getting stuck due to an syntax error, but I can't find where the error is. This is the whole file. The part that returns an error is the bold one. Can someone help us to figure out how to fix this playbook? Thanks in advance!

Pasting YAML into an HTML mail (with colours - really?) will probably
add even more errors.
Rather than eyeballs I would suggest using a more appropriate tool for
this, such as yamllint or ansible-lint.
They were meant to do exactly what you want.

We are reading the book "Asterisk: Definitive Guide 5th Edition", and to set
up an Asterisk environment, instead of doing everything manually, the book
offers a playbook which installs everything you need to start following the

Sounds good so far.

The problem here is that they don't provide the playbook file online

That's weird.

and we have to copy it manually (or through a PDF book), however both ways
are easy to misspell or add unwanted spaces.

Have you tried a PDF to text converter?

That would be my first approach to getting code from a PDF publication onto a
machine, without typos.
