How to locate the proper file?

Hi everyone,

I have to copy a file (on the client) to a certain location (also on the

I know the copy module, but my problem is the source location. The
filename is always the same, like foo.pem.

- if the directory "/some/dir/{{ ansible_hostname }}" does not exist, I
have to create a new file
- if this directory exists, it may have a subdirectory "in_2016". If
this is the case, I have to take the file foo.pem from here
- if not, there may be a subdirectory "in_2015". If this is the case, I
have to take the file foo.pem from here
... plus several older directories.

A construction "with_first_found:" can't be applied here, can it?

Currently I try something like

=== snip ===
- name: find proper directory (2016)
  find: paths=/some/dir/{{ ansible_hostname }}/in_2016 file_type=directory
  register: dir2016
  ignore_errors: True

- debug: var=dir2016

- name: find proper directory (2015)
  find: paths=/some/dir/{{ ansible_hostname }}/in_2015 file_type=directory
  register: dir2015
  ignore_errors: True
  when: dir2016.rc != 0

=== snip ===

But then I have to use a bazillion of copy commands containing "when:
dir20xx == 0".

Is there a better way to get this done? I'm using ansible on
SLES 11 SP4.

Maybe it is best to copy a (bash) script to the host and execute it, but
I prefer the documented way via ansible :wink:


Werner Flamme [07.06.2016 15:52]:

Hi everyone,

I have to copy a file (on the client) to a certain location (also on the

I know the copy module, but my problem is the source location. The
filename is always the same, like foo.pem.



By reading "Mastering Ansible", written by by Jesse Keating, I found out
about the stat module, "set_facts" and registered variables in loops...
So I think I solved my problem now with two tasks:

=== snip ===
  - vars:
        - in_2014
        - in_2014_09
        - in_2015
        - in_2016
      mytargetdir: 'nonsense'

  - name: figuring the directory
    stat: path=/some/dir/{{ ansible_hostname }}/{{ item }}
    register: fig1
    with_items: "{{ mydirlist }}"

  - name: note the first found path
    set_fact: mytargetdir="{{ item.stat.path }}"
    with_items: "{{ fig1.results }}"
    when: mytargetdir == 'nonsense' and item.stat.exists == True
=== pins ===
