How to install RHEL on mutiple nodes using ansible

Please help me with the configuration of ansible for setting up servers with RHEL 7

Please help me with the configuration of ansible for setting up servers with RHEL 7

Ansible is more for setting up / configuring already installed servers. Use something else (kickstart?) for installing.


Search for ‘ansible-provisioning’ on github… there are a few examples…
Basically it sets up your kickstart environment (or cloud-infra) … and then kickstarts systems.

Next steps are then to run ansible against the newly built systems.

We use Ansible to automatically deploy new RHEL servers from an existing template (with cloud-init enabled). Specifically the ovirt module to launch VMs from templates in ovirt, but the same could easily be done with other major hypervisors.

just an idea, but why don’t you try Hashicop Atlas (or even better Packer) to create an image which you can deploy using Ansible?

We use it all the time. In combination with Vagrant you can share that image with your developers to.
