All playbook actions are inteded to be idempotent and express desired
state of a system, so each task is an expression of desired state.
get_url will only download a file by default if the destination is missing.
If you want to download it every time, use thirsty=yes and it will
download every time.
Thanks a lot for the thirsty=yes option.
Actually it was my mistake because I had several tasks in the same file thus only the last task was executed !
I realized that just after posting my message.
It seems that you could create a play with an action to remove the state, true?
Then execute that action, say “clearCachedData” ?
(Dag Wieers)
February 20, 2013, 9:01am
I hate to bring up semantics, but 'thirsty' is such a weird choice when 'force' would have been most people's first guess.
February 20, 2013, 10:07am
I hate to bring up semantics, but 'thirsty' is such a weird choice
when 'force' would have been most people's first guess.
Indeed (and I didn't invent that). I'd appreciate a PR for using 'force'
as an alias.
I'd appreciate one that made force the default and thirsty an alias.
Fix all references in all modules too.