I have an Ansible task that aims to upgrade our Gitlab application. I want the user to ONLY be able to upgrade 1 major release. For example, I want to enable a 8.x to 9.x upgrade, but not an 8.x to 10.x upgrade. I’m aware of the version_compare module, which I use, but need more than what it does.
I did write a filter that extracts the major, minor, patch versions of a Semver-format version so I can get the major part. But how do I then compare them to see if their difference is > 1?
I do…
NOTE: server_major is a filter I wrote to extract the major version of an M.m.p Semver-format version.
name: Get major version of installed version
set_fact: M_installed=installed_version|sermver_major
name: Get the major version of the desired upgrade version
set_fact: M_upgrade=upgrade_version|semver_major
name: Ensure M_upgrade - M_installed = 1
“How do I do this?”
Maybe there is a more straight-forward way to do this?
With that regex yes, it's a nice way to control upgrade to major versions.
And it also preventing upgrade of a package if someone should run apt dist-upgrade (equivalent to yum upgrade)
My file for Gitlab looks like this
$ more /etc/apt/preferences.d/gitlab
Package: gitlab-ce
Pin: version /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.([5-9]-|[0-9]{2,}-)/
Pin-Priority: 1000
It only upgrade if the package is x.y.5 or higher, the reason for this is Gitlab tends to be very buggy until around x.y.5 version is released.