How to do math in Ansible?

I have an Ansible task that aims to upgrade our Gitlab application. I want the user to ONLY be able to upgrade 1 major release. For example, I want to enable a 8.x to 9.x upgrade, but not an 8.x to 10.x upgrade. I’m aware of the version_compare module, which I use, but need more than what it does.

I did write a filter that extracts the major, minor, patch versions of a Semver-format version so I can get the major part. But how do I then compare them to see if their difference is > 1?

I do…


NOTE: server_major is a filter I wrote to extract the major version of an M.m.p Semver-format version.

  • name: Get major version of installed version
    set_fact: M_installed=installed_version|sermver_major
  • name: Get the major version of the desired upgrade version
    set_fact: M_upgrade=upgrade_version|semver_major
  • name: Ensure M_upgrade - M_installed = 1
    “How do I do this?”

Maybe there is a more straight-forward way to do this?

Probably something like:

  • name: Ensure M_upgrade - M_installed = 1


  • M_upgrade|int - M_installed|int == 1

If you are using apt I would suggest another way of solving this and that is pinning in apt

Just create a file /etc/apt/preferences.d/gitlab with the following content

Package: gitlab-ce
Pin: version /9.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+-/
Pin-Priority: 1000

You can read more about pinning here

I’m using yum (RHEL). However with this approach, don’t you have to update the file when the major version changes?

Thanks, I’l try this

With that regex yes, it's a nice way to control upgrade to major versions.
And it also preventing upgrade of a package if someone should run apt dist-upgrade (equivalent to yum upgrade)

My file for Gitlab looks like this

$ more /etc/apt/preferences.d/gitlab
Package: gitlab-ce
Pin: version /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.([5-9]-|[0-9]{2,}-)/
Pin-Priority: 1000

It only upgrade if the package is x.y.5 or higher, the reason for this is Gitlab tends to be very buggy until around x.y.5 version is released.