how to display sub variables using debug module

I am using the win.find module along with the debug module to list files.


  • name: Find ALDM zip files
    paths: c:\temp
    recurse: no
    patterns: “*.zip”
    register: files_to_copy
  • debug:
    msg: “{{files_to_copy}}”

This is what I get

“msg”: {
“changed”: false,
“examined”: 13,
“failed”: false,
“files”: [
“attributes”: “Archive”,
“checksum”: “2ac51252d04aa02addeda5a86270da2a925b13fc”,
“creationtime”: 1624860215.3043969,
“exists”: true,
“extension”: “.zip”,
“filename”: “”,
“hlnk_targets”: ,
“isarchive”: true,
“isdir”: false,
“ishidden”: false,
“isjunction”: false,
“islnk”: false,
“isreadonly”: false,
“isreg”: true,
“isshared”: false,
“lastaccesstime”: 1624860215.6950212,
“lastwritetime”: 1624860215.6950212,
“lnk_source”: null,
“lnk_target”: null,
“nlink”: 1,
“owner”: “BUILTIN\Administrators”,
“path”: "C:\temp\ ",
“sharename”: null,
“size”: 24556

How can I use debug to output just the filename

as I have tried the below

  • debug:
    msg: “{{files_to_copy.files.filename}}”

But I get → {“msg”: "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘filename’\n\nThe error appears to be in

Files is a list

“files”: [

So you need to reference which entry of the list you want to debug. For example…
