How to disabled the new "included" feature in Ansible V2?

Since I’ve switched to Ansible V2 the default behavior is to show every file in the playbook whether I’m skipping them or not. Clarification

TASK [logging : include] *******************************************************
included: /path-to-play.yml for

In my playbook I have plenty of roles and in each role I have modularly build up different tasks for different purposes and I have tagged them all. When I run my playbook it’s always with tags. Example of a role:

Since I have a rather large playbook it’s taking a very long time to complete my playbook when I’m running just a simple tag. So far switching to V2 hasn’t really benefitted my use case. I’ve also tried pipelining which appears to be a little faster but it’s still a lot slower then 1.9 when just running a few tags.

Is there a way to disable or hide this behavior to make the playbook run faster?