I am developing a lookup plugin to provide ‘Mime Multi Part archive’ data to 'nova_compute module as ‘user_data’
Code is doing something similar to what is shown here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-utils-dev/cloud-utils/trunk/view/head:/bin/write-mime-multipart
return from lookup plugin has every character separated by ‘,’. Which I am not sure where it is coming from
############ partial ansible console output Start ############
TASK: [openstack-instance | set_fact ] ****************************************
Terms: /var/folders/hb/x94mdg1n2qdd3n2c7zn2xdfr1gn4kj/T/cloudinit-XXXXXX.vDaFsyKs/lookup_plugin_test-jump/
ok: [lookup_plugin_test-jump] => {“ansible_facts”: {“multi_part_msg”: "C,o,n,t,e,n,t,-,T,y,p,e,:, ,m,u,l,t,i,p,a,r,t,/,m,i,x,e,d,;, ,b,o,u,n,d,a,r,y,=,",=,=,=,=,=,=,=,=,=,=,=,=,=,=,=,0,2,2,1,2,6,1,9,6,0,0,4,5,3,7,6,2,5,8,=,=
############ partial ansible console output End ############
When I use the same code inside module I get the correct data. And it works fine. I am trying to debug what is going inside lookup plugin. Is there a way to debug lookup plugin?
I am invoking lookup plugin as
- set_fact:
multi_part_msg: “{{ lookup(‘multipart_mime’,‘/var/folders/hb/x94mdg1n2qdd3n2c7zn2xdfr1gn4kj/T/cloudinit-XXXXXX.vDaFsyKs/lookup_plugin_test-jump/’) }}”
Where ‘multipart_mime’ is my lookup plugin, that converts the data in the given directory to ‘Mime Multi Part archive’ data as needed by nova_compute module.