I need to copy file form machine A to machine B whereas my control machine from where i run all my ansible tasks is machine C(local machine).
I have tried the following
use scp command in shell module of ansible
hosts: machine2
user: user2
- name: Copy file from machine1 to machine2
shell: scp user1@machine1:/path-of-file/file1 /home/user2/file1
This approach just goes on and on never ends.
use fetch & copy modules
hosts: machine1
user: user1
- name: copy file from machine1 to local
fetch: src=/path-of-file/file1 dest=/path-of-file/file1
hosts: machine2
user: user2
- name: copy file from local to machine2
copy: src=/path-of-file/file1 dest=/path-of-file/file1
This approach throws me an error as follows:
error while accessing the file /Users//.ansible/cp/ansible-ssh-machine2-22-, error was: [Errno 102] Operation not supported on socket: u’/Users//.ansible/cp/ansible-ssh-machine2-22-’
Any suggestions would help.