How to choose the var list based on a condition

I have a list of dictionary variables something like below in vars file.

B : value2
C : value3

  C : value5
  B : value6

And so on...

When I run my playbook with -e option app=01 or app=App01
I want to use App01 variables in with_items in my task .

How can I achieve this?

I have a list of dictionary variables something like below in vars file.

  A : value1
  B : value2
  C : value3

   A : value4
   C : value5
   B : value6

And so on...

When I run my playbook with -e option app=01

"{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['App' ~ app] }}"

or app=App01

"{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][app] }}"

I want to use App01 variables in with_items in my task .

App01 and App02 is not a list so you can't use with_items, but you could use with_dict instead.

Hi Kai,

Im using roles/vars file, so how do I achieve it?

B : value2
C : value3

C : value5
B : value6

And so on…

Also passing different values now, when -e app=data01_kerb something like this, if it has 01 , then choose App01’s dictionary ’
if app=data02_syn then choose App02’s dictionary…
is this possible?
Im passing app=data01_try , coz Im trying to derive/set_fact another variable from this value.

Any suggestions would be helpfull.

or any best way to achive this?

To decide which var to use:
mydict: {{ '01' in app|ternary('App01', 'App02') }}

Then you can use via:
lookup('vars', mydict)