(Adam R.)
July 10, 2015, 9:07pm
I am creating a role to upgrade my servers. Some are CentOS others are Fedora. CentOS servers use remote_user: root and Fedora servers remote_user: fedora
How can i setup my playbook to use one remote_user according to ansible_distribution?
In the Ansible FAQ there is a section that deals with these issue setting inventory variables in the inventory file, but i am
using dynamic inventory.
Or there is a way to try sshing as some user if the connection fails, try another login user?
How to choose remote user according to OS?
Or it is easier to create a separate playbook for each ansible_distribution?
Thank you!
(Adam R.)
July 10, 2015, 9:16pm
A better description is "How to set remote_user for according to OS distribution
There are several ways, the easiest is if your inventory script
provides OS info:
remote_user: "{{ansible_distibution == 'Fedora'|ternary('fedora', 'root')
If you have no info ahead of time you can test connecting and then use
group_by (example below) or the same expression above on the result
var. If using group_by you can preset group_vars/fedora =>
ansible_ssh_user: fedora
- hosts: all
remote_user: root
gather_facts: False
- ping:
register: rootlogin
ignore_errors: yes
- group_by: key=fedora
when: rootlogin|failed
(Adam R.)
July 14, 2015, 3:25am
Thank you Brian for your reply.
Based on your suggestions, i created this playbook:
(create two groups and then apply the role to each subset)
hosts: all
remote_user: root
gather_facts: false
register: rootlogin
ignore_errors: true
group_by: key=fedora-user
when: rootlogin|failed
group_by: key=root-user
when: rootlogin|success
name: Execute play for CentOS instances
hosts: root-user
remote_user: root
{ role: path/to_role }
name: Execute play for Fedora instances
hosts: fedora-user
remote_user: fedora
sudo: yes
sudo_user: root
{ role: path/to_role }
The problem is that only the root-user group it is created.
created ‘group_by’ ActionModule: key=stage-root-user
No fedora-user group was created. When it comes the time to execute the rol for the fedora instances.
skipping: no hosts matched
I did also tried, create the two groups using multi plays(same idea), but the groups were created with the same elements:
name: Group CentOS instances
hosts: all
remote_user: root
gather_facts: no
ignore_errors: true
name: remote_user is root
group_by: key=root_user
ignore_errors: true
name: Group Fedora instances
hosts: all
gather_facts: no
remote_user: fedora
sudo: yes
sudo_user: root
name: remote_user is fedora
group_by: key=fedora_user
ignore_errors: true
name: Execute play for CentOS instances
hosts: root_user
remote_user: root
{ role: path/to_role }
name: Execute play for Fedora instances
hosts: fedora_user
remote_user: fedora
sudo: yes
sudo_user: root
{ role: path/to_role }
FATAL: no hosts matched or all hosts have already failed – aborting
Thank you!
Ansible 1.9
you really only need 1 group, not sure why both did not get created though.
with one group you can have these play targets:
- hosts: group
- hosts: all:!group
^ first will target all hosts in the group, the 2nd all hosts NOT in the group.
(Adam R.)
July 20, 2015, 9:57pm
Hello Brian,
I have made some tests and it seems that hosts conditional it is not working for the instances that cannot login (either root or fedora, tested both).
First test:
If i create the group according to fedora access rules, the group for the centos instances it is not created: