How to cast stat.mtime (float) to readable date-time

I need to display the date-time that a file was last updated.

The value can be obtained with stat on the file:

  • name: Get file stats

stat: path=“{{ path_of_file }}”

register: reg

  • debug:

msg: “Timestamp of {{path}}: {{reg.stat.mtime}}”

However the output is meaningless because it is a float value.
The only solution I could find requires the creation of a custom filter:

Is there a simpler way?

Thank you all.

You want something like this:

  • debug:
    msg: “Timestamp of {{ path }}: {{ ‘%c’|strftime(reg.stat.mtime) }}”

Documentation about the strftime filter can be found at

Thanks for the advice, Matt!

Here’s what I ended up using:

  • debug:

msg: “Timestamp of {{logpath}}: {{ '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’ | strftime(reg.stat.mtime) }}”

