How to automate post deployment activity in Ansible

Dear All,

How to automate post deployment activity in Ansible? We have module URI but only for limited call

In more details:

  1. Want to login into gmail
    1.1 Open the
    1.2 Enter the user name and password
    1.3 Click on the submit button
    1.4 Open the email tab then
    1.5 Compose the email
    1.6 Attach some file in that email
    1.7 add body text as template and to list
    1.8 Click the sent email
    1.9 If possible the trace the success and failure.

Want to do in Ansible and track the success and failure. Will it possible?

We have though to use the selenium but for that we have to write script every time for diff diff activity which will cause the deliverable…

Thanks for your answer. I’m big fan of Ansible and looking for something spacial.

Have you looked at the mail module ?