I am trying to define new ipv6 address for ENI using ec2_instance module in ansible 2.7.6- I just don’t get it how to define the task? output is just “changed: false” and nothing happens. Would anyone be able to point out how to add new and remove extra ipv6 addresses from running ec2 instance?
I have tried many versions nothing seems to work so currently I just use local action for aws which is nothing else than work around.
name: eni fact gather
private-ip-address: “{{instance_launch.tagged_instances[0].private_ip}}”
register: eni_facts -
name: Create lists
ipv6_address_list: “” -
name: Append list ipv6_address_list
ipv6_address_list: “{{ipv6_address_list}} + [‘{{item.ipv6_address}}’]”
with_items: -
name: Add new ipv6 addresses using awscli local action
local_action: command aws ec2 assign-ipv6-addresses --network-interface-id {{eni_facts.network_interfaces[0].id}} --ipv6-addresses {{item}}
when: item not in ipv6_address_list
with_items: -
Not working. why?
#- name: Assign ipv6 to EC2 network interface