How do you parameterize ansible_eth* facts and use it?

Hello, ansible experts.

I’m trying to parameterize eth interface in group_vars/all so that I can use it in playbook easier.

group_vars/all file looks like this.

my_int_if: eth1 my_int_ip: "{{ ansible_eth1.ipv4.address }}" my_int_obj: "{{ ansible_eth1 }}"

I could successfuly use those variables with following playbook and template file.


  • name: copy mysql file
    tempalte: src=galera.cnf.j2 dest=/etc/my.cnf.d/galera.cnf

bind-address={{ my_int_ip }}

becomes this as intended.


But now, when I tried to use “{{my_int_ip}}” from playbook directly, It didin’t work as intended.


  • name: galera cluster replication bluh
    name: wsrep_sst-user
    host: “{{ hostvars[item].my_int_ip }}”
    password: password
    priv: “.:ALL”
    with_items: play_hosts

According to the Error message, it looked like this variable was not expanded well.

msg: (1396, "Operation CREATE USER failed for 'wsrep_sst-user'@'{# ansible_eth1.ipv4.address #}'")

I would like to know why I could use it at template, and not at playbook.

And if you have any good advice to parameterize the ethernet for firewall, bind address, and etc., please show me!!

Thank you!

if i understand correctly, you are setting my_int_if: eth1 and then setting my_int_ip: “{{ ansible_eth1.ipv4.address }}” which is always hardcoded to eth1.

i think what you would want is
in group_vars/all

my_int_if: eth1

and reference it in template and other places via:

bind-address={{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][‘ansible_’ + my_int].ipv4.address }}

and in playbook as

host={{ hostvars[item][‘ansible_’ + my_int].ipv4.address }}

Hello, benno joy.

Thanks for understanding my poor English.
Basic concept of my_int_* is to parameterize ethernet interface in template and playbook,
so that changing group_vars/all can accommodate different OS/machines such as eth1, p3p4, etc.

I tried your code, but still same error message :frowning:

2015年5月29日金曜日 15時03分57秒 UTC+9 benno joy:

Sorry i had a typo:

if the variable is “my_int_if: eth0”

then in playbook it woudl be referenced as

host={{ hostvars[item][‘ansible_’ + my_int_if].ipv4.address }}

earlier i had only put “my_int”

if still it doesnt work, can you please paste your group_vars and plybook in gist and let us know the version of ansible you are using.

  • Benno

Your code perfectly worked for me.

ThankYOU!! Mr.benno.

The reason it couldn’t get through at first was because of mysql FLUSH PRIVILEGES.

After FLUSH PRIVILEGES in mysql console , everything worked fine with your code :slight_smile:

Here’s practice code I used.

Thank you again! :slight_smile: